Quem disse que os homens não podem usar veludo também? Eu acho que podem e devem, eu adoro veludo e acho um tecido muito classy, mas de facto é um tecido invernal e o Inverno já passou. No entanto, num início de primavera onde o sol não brilha tanto assim, e onde, consecutivamente, as temperaturas não têm sido tão amenas, principalmente à noite, que foi o caso, cabe-nos a nós encontrar outras alternativas no guarda roupa e utilizar, por enquanto, roupa mais quente. Este é um estilo simples, mas diferente, pois os homens também vestem veludo, um look descontraído e classy ao mesmo tempo, que não é um coordenado, mas as calças e o casaco funcionaram muito bem como tal.
Espero que gostem!
xx, IFV.
Who says men can't wear velvet, too? I think they can and should. I love velvet and think it is a very classy fabric, but in fact it's a winter fabric and I know winter has passed. However, we are in early spring where the sun doesn't shine so much, and where the temperatures have not been so mild, especially at night, which was the case, it is up to us to find other alternatives in the wardrobe and use, for now, warmer clothing. This is a simple but different style, as men also wear velvet, a casual and classy look at the same time, which is not a coordinate, but the pants and the jacket worked very well as such. I hope you like it!
xx, IFV.
Who says men can't wear velvet, too? I think they can and should. I love velvet and think it is a very classy fabric, but in fact it's a winter fabric and I know winter has passed. However, we are in early spring where the sun doesn't shine so much, and where the temperatures have not been so mild, especially at night, which was the case, it is up to us to find other alternatives in the wardrobe and use, for now, warmer clothing. This is a simple but different style, as men also wear velvet, a casual and classy look at the same time, which is not a coordinate, but the pants and the jacket worked very well as such. I hope you like it!
xx, IFV.
Jacket, Trousers - Zara Men | Shirt, Scarf - Sacoor Brothers | Sneakers - Adidas